Seattle Decembers

Susan Nolen's Seattle Ferry Photograph


The above is not a black and white photograph. It’s just the colour of Winter in Seattle. The fog rolls in. The ferry sounds its warning, whilst the Space Needle tries to disappear into thick clouds. Just when you get used to this moody colour, things change. The wind blows away the clouds and you can wander along the beach. There are places to sit and sip a coffee and watch life go by. Well, perhaps another time…those logs look a bit rough to sit upon!l

Susan Nolen's Photographs

About susan sheldon nolen

It’s rare to catch me without coffee, a form of camera, or my beloved wire fox terriers. I love the history, the art, and it’s a massive part of my life, as I either paint, write, or get interrupted by my dogs, reminding me of the real world. I hope you enjoy your time here. It’s such a privilege to have readers.
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5 Responses to Seattle Decembers

  1. Carrie Rubin says:

    I was in Seattle twice in November. It seemed my weather app said the same thing every day: 55 degrees, cloudy, and intermittent rain. But I still love the city!

  2. prior says:

    The first shot did look like an edited B & W – and almost like the line of mist/fog was stretched in photoshop – and what a cool capture!

    and I have never been to seattle – but I do think of cloud and coffee (as noted int he comment) and I also think of music!

I'd love to hear your thoughts!